Ford Ranger Raptor OEM+ Forged Wheels

Ford Ranger Raptor OEM+ Forged Wheels

The new Ford Ranger Raptor has hit Australia by storm. With some pre order wait times up to 15-18 months, getting your hands on one of these is abit easier said than done these days! The demand that the next gen Ford Ranger Raptor has generated has been huge, and for...
Next Gen Ford Ranger Raptor + VenomRex VR602

Next Gen Ford Ranger Raptor + VenomRex VR602

The second gen Ranger Raptor is now upon us, with the first pre-orders of the Raptors now gracing Aussie shores, many of the new owners have asked the question: What wheels can correctly fit the new Raptor? Like with any new car where we physically don’t have...
RollingStock X Venom Rex 602 – An Aussie Special

RollingStock X Venom Rex 602 – An Aussie Special

The Venom Rex VR-602 is by far our favorite forged 4×4 wheel from Venom Rex for various reasons. We fitted it onto our very own Ranger Raptor a few years back and it proved to be a hit in the Aussie market prompting many to follow suit. The Venom Rex VR-602 comes...